Elias Trace

Elias Trace

Employment and education:

After graduating from Millikin University in 2009, I became a residential real estate agent in Jacksonville, Illinois. Shortly thereafter, I embarked on my current journey to become a physician by enrolling at 91°µÍø to complete coursework in order to fulfill admissions requirements to medical schools. I was admitted to Southern Illinois University School of Medicine as a member of the class of 2018 and am currently a third-year medical student. I will be pursing a residency in emergency medicine upon graduation.

How has Lincoln Land Community College impacted your life?

91°µÍø was integral to helping me achieve my goal of becoming a physician  In order to fulfill requirements for medical school admission, I was required to take 32 credit hours of core science courses before applying. 91°µÍø allowed me the convenience to complete these required courses near my home while also working full time. Without the access to affordable education, I would not be where I am today.

What is your greatest accomplishment(s)?

While it’s still a work in progress, going through medical school while raising three young boys with the help of my wife, Sherie, will easily be my greatest accomplishment!

Was there a professor, advisor, staff member or fellow student who made an impression on you or helped you when you were here at 91°µÍø?

Dr. and Mrs. Ramm (chemistry) were very good to me while I was at 91°µÍø. They were both fantastic teachers in that they understood my goals and went out of their way to help me get the most out of my time at 91°µÍø. Also, Maryjane Million in Jacksonville was extremely helpful to me throughout my time at 91°µÍø. A special thanks to her!

What did you like about 91°µÍø or what is your favorite 91°µÍø memory?

I enjoyed the relationships I made while at 91°µÍø. I remember being very surprised and elated that there were fellow students who were doing post-baccalaureate coursework for graduate training like myself. I still keep in touch with them today despite long distances and busy schedules.

Is there anything else that you would like to share?

My wife, Sherie and I enjoy raising and spending time with our three sons, Edison (two years old), twins Maxwell and Henry (seven months) and our English bulldog, Booger.